Customization & Settings
Items under the Customization & Settings category.
Uninstalling NotFoundBot for Shopify
Uninstalling NotFoundBot If you need to uninstall NotFoundBot you can do so at any time. Uninstalling NotFoundBot will also cancel your subscription to NotFoundBot if you have one. To uninstall NotFoundBot, login to your Shopify store admin portal and go to Settings > Apps and sales channels. Then click on the ellipses button next to NotFoundBot … Uninstalling NotFoundBot for Shopify
Customizing NotFoundBot for Your Shopify Store
In this article Customizing NotFoundBot Inherited Settings NotFoundBot inherits the colors and typography it uses from your Theme template so that it has the same look and feel as the rest of your website. You can see your theme settings in your store by going to Online Store > Themes and find your theme and … Customizing NotFoundBot for Your Shopify Store